The First Black Sea Winemaking Forum
The first Forum was held on 3-4 July 2014 in Gagauzia, autonomous republic in Moldova. Gagauzia is a bright example of the wine region. It has the highest density of the vineyards area per capita in Eastern and Central Europe. This region almost completely depends on the winemaking industry. Winemaking for Gagauzia is more than just a sector of agriculture, it is the most important part of the history and culture and the main basis for the economic and the development of this unique nation: Turkic speaking people, professing Christianity, living at the crossroads of the civilizations and the traditions.
About 150 participants representing more than 10 countries took part in the first Forum. The General Partners of the first Forum were Government of Gagauzia and Gorchakov Foundation, the official partners were famous winemaking companies : “KVINT” and “DIONIS CLUB”. The partners of the Forum were companies: “Tomai-Vinex”, “Vinuri de Comrat”, “Invinprom” and others. More…